Subulussalam Higher Secondary School is the institution which is assessed as the first numbered in contributing to the educational progress of Urangattiri panchayath. The school started in 1976 with four divisions in 8th standard with aggregate student strength of 141 and 8 staff members, has now grown as one of the large higher secondary schools in Malappuram district. Now, the school has 41 divisions in High School section with teaching staff strength 61 and 7 supporting staff members. In 1998 school upgraded as Higher Secondary School with three (3) batches during the academic year 1998-1999. [Science, Commerce and Humanities batches one each]. Now, Higher Secondary section has 9 batches [2- Biology Science, 2-Computer Science, 2-Humanities and 3-Commerce] with a teaching staff pattern of 40 including guest teachers and 2 non teaching staff and a total student strength of 1080.
Besides its fairer performance in academic and co-curricular areas, various clubs and forums are functioning in school with an objective of multifaceted development of student community of the school. NCC, NSS, JRC, Scout and Guide, Souhrida Club, Career Guidance and Adolescent Couselling Unit, Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) etc. falls in the category which brings goodwill to the establishment through outstanding performances. Electrified and dust free class rooms, laboratories with ample facilities, equipments, apparatus, devices etc., multimedia smart class rooms, library, biodiversity garden, play ground, camera surveillance campus, pure drinking water facility etc. are noticeable infrastructural attributes of school excellence.
School was able to produce enthralling results by readying large number of students appearing for SSLC examination in Areacode Sub-District and bringing out attention calling results during past academic years. It is bitter to say that for last two academic years school failed to attain 100% SSLC result and positioned 2nd in the rank list of highest number of full A+ producers. It is to be highlighted that when SSLC result of school went down, Higher Secondary result of 2016-2017 academic year was envious.
Majority of students joining our school belongs to financially unsound and socially backward category. Due to this reason student community of our school is educationally and socially backward. This is a reality. On this ground, we can authentically speak that a big responsibility is there on the shoulders of staff community and Management of school as most of the students joining the school lacks pre-knowledge that an 8th standard student supposed to have while seeking admission to High School.
Of the students seeking admission to 8th standard, 30% students do not have basic reading-writing skills and are unaware of basic arithmetical operations in mathematics. Obviously, this is a reason why students are not interested in academics and why results of school decline.
From eighth standard onwards our students are learning three languages. Only a minority of student community can effectively manage these languages easily. It is necessary to improve language skills for a better existence. Then only students can survive in the competitive world, communicate properly and share knowledge.
As mentioned earlier, school has 9 batches in Higher Secondary section. Of these 9 batches, 2 batches are biology group, 2 are computer science group, 3 are commerce group and 2 are humanities group. A total of 18 classes are functioning in higher secondary section with maximum student strength of 1080. Our school has improvised in the case of quality but percentage of pass is around 85. It shows, hardly 60 to 70 students fails to clear higher secondary course every academic year. Studies have revealed that most of the students of this failed category are from humanities group and computer science group. For humanities group, they find English language as their unattainable target and for computer science group it is physics, English and chemistry. In the case of commerce group students, they count English and Computer Application as their difficult subjects. Prima face one can reach in a conclusion that those who fail to clear higher secondary course are not at all interested in studies, are occasionally abstains from classes and are not ready to attend remedial teaching – learning sessions.
Comparing to high school section, our higher secondary has got better infrastructure facilities. Being a roundabout and a gateway for higher studies and being the world is of competition, available infrastructure facilities are not adequate as far as a higher secondary school is concerned. Focus is needed in infrastructural developments.
In our school there is lot of dexterous, proficient and gifted students with adequate creativity. Staff community most of the time fails to identify such gifted, talented students and hence they are left unguided. Even if identified, we staff community usually used not to show necessary enthusiasm to provide chances for developments of students, instead we may let him participate in some school feats and
all. Apart from this, schools are to be transformed to a place for multifaceted development of student.
In inquiry based learning school library and reading room, laboratory etc. has critical role. Even though these facilities are there in our campus, these have not yet satisfactorily performing their role as envisaged by academicians. Better facilities are to be brought into library and reading room as well as labs are to be concocted with adequate stuff.
Our school has taken initiatives and conducted many eye catching and crowd pulling activities in the campus. One of the most successful and useful example is our Biodiversity Garden. Learning is to be connected with students’ surrounding, life touching and campus itself is to be transformed into a textbook. This biodiversity park is to be developed and diversified in a way that contributes more to students and society.
Many of our students are coming from unguided and unguarded life environments and situations. Adverse happenings in their family and surroundings has changed their mood leading to social vices, drug abuse and ultimately making them keep away from educational system and activities and bringing down educational standards. Teachers are to be more vigilant in picking out such students and providing them necessary support in a way they that they are reframed as good citizens.
Through intervention of parents and public, standard of our school has been improved, but pitfalls in the case of campus cleanliness and campus ambiance are making big negative marks. Our campus nowadays feels like a big dump yard and as we all know it is creating unhealthy surrounding and unhygienic education system. We need to took initiative for making our campus plastic free, zero waste campus.
There are many differently abled students who are backward in studies. These students are to be treated better and adequate supports are to be given to them so that their different abilities are developed to face upcoming challenges they are going to confront with.
In football we were able to place our self in a remarkable position in district. Our physical education should be one which gives importance to physical fitness, physical exercises, games and athletics. Without forgetting talented sports persons of this school we contributed to nation, we need to move forward by enhancing sports facilities in our school.
Quality education is right of the student. Fulfillment of this right is the basic duty of an educational institution and its staff community. Students who chooses our school for his education must be treated like a prince and give him all supports and transform him in way that he can communicate with any of the similar aged student in the world and share his knowledge. He/She should be imparted with values of democracy and secularism. He/She should be able to compete and survive in the modern world order. This academic master plan is readied with an objective of satisfying above mentioned artifact.
A bunch of highly qualified and belligerent teachers are our strength. If all the energy accumulated in each and every staff is aligned to a common objective of super lighting our school, no doubt our school shall turn into a center of academic excellence. An academic master plan is inevitable to face challenges that we confront day to day in a scientific and systematic way.
Emphasizing on quality and equality in education in the coming five academic years, the activities that are going to implement in the campus are hereby submitted to the authority and public for critical evaluation and suggestions.